Healthy Living Tips

Be Mindful of Liquid Calories While it may be easy to load up on sugary drinks, try to eliminate these 鈥渆mpty calories,鈥 which offer no nutritional benefit.  Better choices include teas, low- or non-fat milk, soy milk, 100% fruit juices, infused water and, of course, water. Swapping out empty calorie drinks like soda for more nutrient-dense items like soy milk will give you added benefits such as calcium and protein.  Be mindful of alcohol consumption as well. A 12 ounce beer has between 100-175 calories and those who are inebriated tend to eat more, especially saltier and fattier foods.

Try to Eat Healthy Meals This may sound like a no-brainer, but try to avoid fried food, heavy sauces, and things smothered in cheese. Choose baked or grilled over fried, ask for sauces on the side and try skipping the cheese.  A 1-ounce serving of cheese 鈥 about the size of 2 stacked dice 鈥 will on average contain 30% saturated fat and 120 calories.

Don't Go for Seconds and Thirds Portion control is just as important as foregoing second helpings. Use fist-sized portions a guideline, and just use one plate per meal. Try to make 80+% of your plate consist of fresh and minimally-processed foods and the other 10 鈥 20% can be whatever you like.

Avoid Eating when Stressed or Anxious Instead of devouring that bag of chips or cookies, opt for an apple or some nuts.  Try to get in the habit of keeping healthy snacks around. That way, you will always have a healthy alternative on hand. Some satisfying and healthful choices available in the dining halls include peanut butter on whole grain bread, cereal with low fat milk, and pieces of whole fruit. The fiber content in whole grains and whole fruits keep you fuller longer which will help avoid those moments of mindless eating.

Don't Eat Late at Night Not only is it embarrassing if the pizza guy knows you on a first name basis, it's just a bad habit to get into. If you choose to eat late at night, you don't give yourself the opportunity to burn those calories as you would during the day. Additionally, when we eat late at night, we may not have access to healthier choices. Ever hear of a late night fruit and vegetable delivery? If you go to snack, skip the soda and pizza and opt for fruit, milk or other more nutritious options.

Exercise We all know that we feel better after we exercise, so always make time for it. Allow yourself a minimum of 30 minutes a day of activity 鈥 it can be anything, from walking to class to running a few miles around the track. There are lots of fun P.E. classes available at the Colleges, so consider making one of those part of your weekly routine.

Go to Sleep Shoot for 7-8 hours of sleep per night and try to keep a regular sleep schedule.  Make sure to avoid caffeine in the evenings so you can get to sleep at night. 

Don't Skip Meals It's ok to miss lunch or breakfast occasionally, but people who skip meals frequently often make poor food choices and overeat later.

Be Smart when Socializing and Watch Group Eating It's easy to get carried away with the sheer volume of food we can consume when we're with a group of friends. Moderation is the key to preventing weight gain while still maintaining an active social life. Be mindful of what and how much you're eating.

Manage Your Stress Try to keep organized and maintain reasonable expectations of workload and social schedule. Stress can affect the hormones that regulate appetite and weight control.